The Moving Story of Enid Soldier Lost in Vietnam
By Doug Dollar
Todd Koehn recently shared a message with members of my Vietnam infantry rifle company about a special tribute to his uncle, Arlin Koehn!
“Some high school students in Austin Texas do tribute to soldiers from Vietnam every year,” noted Todd, adding, “they actually contacted me and did one on my uncle Arlin.”
“Just thought you might be interested to know that there are some high school kids that are learning about the war and the sacrifices that men like you went through,” added Todd.
The video may be seen here on the Austin, TX, Eanes Westlake School Districts site. Be sure to click the sound icon to unmute the audio:
I thought is was worth sharing here since this site is devoted to encouraging middle and high school students in Oklahoma to interview our state’s veterans about their experiences.
The battle of Chop Vum occurred about four months before I arrived in Charlie Company. Now there are two books available on Amazon.com about our company in the battle: